It’s alive!!!  Those immortal passionate words screamed out by Dr. Frankenstein when his creation finally sat up and roared.    Ah, the feeling of an idea realized, whether it’s an 8 foot flower-sniffing monster or a simple machine to crush a beer can.   Taking a thought and making it exist in the real world is an accomplishment rarely topped in life but the journey can turn into an absolute nightmare.  That’s what Effcap is all about –  giving you the scoop of how I managed to make it – and sometimes not make it – to the end of a creative brainstorm.


Hello, I’m Frank and like many of you with ideas, I tried hiring companies to make them real but after several misfires and lots of money spent I decided to bite the bullet and learn to do it myself. I had an advantage many don’t – a Dad who was a builder and a Mom who was an artist, and neither would ever say something couldn’t be done.  Together they instilled a sense of fearlessness in my sister and I.  When I was a teen I got into electronics to make my cheap guitar amplifier louder.  I got into fabrication by building remote controlled planes, then hang gliders that the kids in my neighborhood test piloted.  I got into robotics to move my cameras because I loved special effects and I was into design because I’ve always drawn what was in my head.  My entire life has been the challenge of taking ideas from the seed stage and building them into something seen and used by many, whether it’s a beer can gattling canon or a Hollywood feature film.

I started this site because after helping several entrepreneurs cross the finish line, I realized I had something of value to share.  Since I’m not trying to get your business I’m not forced to present you with pretty pictures and fabulous tales of amazingly finished products.  I’ll tell you how the concepts started, what the challenges and frustrations were and how I solved them and sometimes didn’t.  I’ve always learned more from a drawn out failure than a quick success.

Take a look around at the things I’ve created, watch some video. Hopefully something inspires you to take action on your own creative ideas.

My passion is problem solving.  It really is the most important aspect of any project because after you come up with a great idea – Can you make it work, and more importantly – can you SELL it?  

Thanks for stopping by,



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